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Illustration from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper that shows performers from Barnum's Grand Ethnological Congress.

Brief announcement from a small town Illinois newspaper introducing Florence Fifer Bohrer as the state's first female state senator. This exact article appeared in numerous small town newspapers.

Florence Fifer Bohrer was elected to the 26th Illinois Senatorial District in November 1924.

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Florence Fifer Bohrer points to a chart on her porch in Bloomington, Illinois. She is leading a League of Women Voters of McLean County discussion class on the United Nations’ San Francisco Conference on July 13, 1945.

Senator Florence Fifer Bohrer shakes hands with her mother, former First Lady of Illinois Gertrude Fifer, on the floor of the Illinois Senate chamber on January 7, 1925. Florence's daughter Gertrude Ann Bohrer is standing between them. Florence…
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